dividend growth - dividend increase

Dividend Stocks with a high ESG-score

Sustainable investing and environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment strategies are a hot topic on Wall Street. There’s a growing pile of evidence indicating that stocks of companies that meet the standards for ESG-factors are likely to outperform the market. Bank of America Merrill Lynch presented 10 reasons why one should care about ESG. Three…

investing news

The billionaire effect: driving outperformance

Public companies run by billionaires are better for investors. Shares in companies controlled by billionaires have significantly outperformed the global market average over the past 15 years. Those companies return almost twice the average market performance, according to the new UBS/PwC Billionaires Report 2019. The billionaire effect: driving outperformance According to the report, over the…

dividend growth - dividend increase

Dividend Aristocrats and ESG-scores

Sustainable investing and environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment strategies are a hot topic at the moment on Wall Street. The ESG ETF assets are already more than double in 2019 and another sign of the increasing popularity of ESG, is the launch of E-mini S&P 500 ESG Index futures, by the CME Group on…

european dividend aristocrats

European Dividend Aristocrats Performance: October 2019

S&P Europe 350® Dividend Aristocrats® measure the performance of S&P Europe 350 constituents that have followed a policy of consistently increasing dividends every year for at least 10 consecutive years. The index benchmark is the S&P Europe 350 index Like the (US) Dividend Aristocrats “big brother”, the European Dividend Aristocrats also tend to outperform its…