dividend growth - dividend increase

Inspiration – Dividend Increases

The Dividend Aristocrats list is a select group of companies in the S&P 500 Index that have increased dividends every year for the last 25 straight years. Historically speaking, consistent dividend growers have been among the best long-term performers in the market. The following table lists the dividend aristocrats that have increased their dividend over…

How to easily invest in the European Dividend Aristocrats (new ETF)

For Dividend growth investors in Europe, we created a European Dividend Aristocrats certificate to easily track the European edition of the famous Dividend Aristocrats. European Dividend Aristocrats tracker at a glance The European Dividend Aristocrats portfolio (EUDIVAR) includes all companies that have increased dividends every year for the last 10 consecutive years and are part…

members wallstreet

First Dividend Newsletter 2021 just released

Our latest Dividend newsletter is now available to our members. 2020 has been quite a rare and remarkable year for our members and dividend growth investors. In the first 2021-edition, you will find the following items: 1. Monthly recap 2. Dividend Portfolios International dividend portfolio Retirement Portfolio (US) Defensive Aristocrats 2020 3. Dividend Inspiration Lists…