European Dividend Aristocrats Performance: February 2019

S&P Europe 350® Dividend Aristocrats® measure the performance of S&P Europe 350 constituents that have followed a policy of consistently increasing dividends every year for at least 10 consecutive years. The index benchmark is the S&P Europe 350 index Like the (US) Dividend Aristocrats “big brother”, the European Dividend Aristocrats also tend to outperform its…


In focus European Dividend Aristocrat L’Oréal

L’Oréal, the French cosmetics giant, is worldwide known for its cosmetic products and the “Because I’m Worth It” marketing campaign running since 1973. It is the world’s largest cosmetics company and by investors often perceived as an expensive share. Looking forward the question emerges, is “L’Oréal Worth It” and is the company able to catch…

dividend growth - dividend increase

Dividend Aristocrats Indices To Avoid

Next to the well-known (US) Dividend Aristocrats index, there are several variants create by S&P on this theme, like the European, UK or Global Dividend Aristocrats. This article lists several Dividend Aristocrats indices available and discusses the differences. Not all Dividend Aristocrats indices, do have outperformed their benchmark over long-time intervals. High-yield dividend is an…