The European dividend aristocrats Geberit (CH0030170408) and Ahold Delhaize (NL0011794037) paid a dividend today. Both companies are part of the European Dividend Aristocrats tracker and have increased their dividends for at least 10 consecutive years.
Geberit Dividend
Geberit paid a dividend of CHF 11.40 which is an increase of 0.9% compared to last year’s CHF 11.30. This corresponds to a payout ratio of 63.8% and the current dividend yield is 1.86%.
The gross dividend is € 10.33 and the net dividend € 8.78 for this position in the tracker.
Ahold Delhaize Dividend
Dutch retailer Ahold Delhaize will pay a final dividend of €0.40 per share. This is in addition to the interim dividend of €0.50 per share, which was paid on August 27, 2020. The total dividend amount of €0.90 results in a dividend yield of 3.98%.
The gross and net dividend for Ahold in the tracker are the same, meaning that there is no dividend withholding tax.
European Dividend Aristocrats tracker at a glance
The European Dividend Aristocrats portfolio (EUDIVAR) includes all companies that have increased dividends every year for the last 10 consecutive years and are part of the MSCI Europe-index.
The holdings are equally weighted and every quarter an automatic rebalance will be performed. Companies that cut or postpone their dividend payments will be closely monitored and removed when required. In addition, new companies that meet the criteria will be added during the year. The dividends received will be reinvested automatically as well.
The tracker is officially listed on the German stock exchange Stuttgart and can be traded via several brokers such as Comdirect, Flatex, Onvista Bank, ING DiBa, Postbank, and many more.
European Dividend Aristocrats tracker benefits
When building a dividend growth portfolio, the most prominent advantages of the European Dividend Aristocrats tracker are:
Low Initial Investment. The minimum investment is limited only by your broker’s minimum account size and the brokerage fees related to the amount to be invested.
Automatic Diversification. By investing in the European Dividend Aristocrats tracker, you get the benefits of spreading your investment across all (45+) Dividend Aristocrats. You also get diversification across sectors and countries.
Automatic rebalancing. Every quarter rebalancing will be automatically done as well as dividend reinvesting without transaction costs. New aristocrats will be added and companies that cut or postpone dividend payments will be removed.
Dividend Tax benefits. Dividend withholding tax and dividend reclaims are often complex and time-consuming. Investors will benefit from lower dividend taxation via this European Dividend Aristocrats tracker. For several stocks that pay dividends and are traded in euro (€) the gross dividend amount will be received in this tracker.
More information can be found on (German website) or
The performance can be followed on several financial portals such as Onvista or your online broker.