Dividend Champions are US companies which have increased their dividend for 25 or more consecutive years. The Dividend Champions covers all companies listed on exchanges in the United States. The difference compared to the Dividend Aristocrats , Dividend Champions are not necessarily members of the S&P 500 index.
US Dividend Champions
The Dividend Champions list (currently 131 (2019)) is much larger than the Dividend Aristocrats list (currently 53). The goal of the Champions list is to identify all U.S. companies that have increased their dividends paid for 25+ consecutive years regardless of their size. The difference with the Dividend Aristocrats is that the Aristocrats are always part of the S&P 500 and have some requirements such as market cap. size as defined by S&P.
Next to the Dividend Champions, also often the terms Contenders and Challengers are mentioned or even “CCC” (Champions, Contenders, and Challengers). The Dividend Contenders List is based on all U.S. companies which have increased their dividend for 10 years or more, but less than 25 years. The Dividend Challengers list contains the U.S. companies which have increased their dividend between 5 to 9 years, in a consecutive way.
Dividend Champions excel
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The Dividend Champions Excel spreadsheet contains the following fundamental and stock price performance metric for each stock of this list.
Fundamental metrics:
- Dividend & earnings per share
- Dividend Yield
- Pay-out ratio
- Sector
- Dividend Aristocrat
- DRIP-indicator
Sector and Dividend Yield overview of the Dividend Champions
Next to the individual companies in this dividend list, it is also interesting to look at the composition per sector and the average dividend yield. This could be relevant data in the search for dividend investing ideas.
More background and data on the Dividend CCC-list
The Dividend Champions list was created by David Fish in 2007 (deceased 2018) and is currently maintained by Justin Law. More information is available at The DRiP Investing Resource Center. An updated spreadsheet (and PDF) is available each month and contains additional valuable data, such as DGR (dividend growth rate) for several years, fundamental data from Finviz, dividend growth model and Technical data (SMA, etc)
Other Sources of Dividend Investment Ideas
The Dividend Aristocrats list is not the only way to quickly screen for businesses that regularly pay rising dividends.
- The Dividend Kings List is even more exclusive than the Dividend Aristocrats. It is comprised of less than 20 businesses with 50+ years of consecutive dividend increases.
- The MoneyInvestExpert Defensive Aristocrats is a performance-based top-10 selection of the Dividend Aristocrats to outperform the market on the long-term.
- Portfolio lists like the Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio or Bill Gates’stock portfolio can be a source.
- For the European focused investors there is also the list of European Dividend Aristocrats.
- Dividend Champions are not necessarily members of the S&P 500 index, have increased their dividend for 25 or more consecutive years.
- 100+ years of dividend, the list of stocks that pay over 100 year of dividend can be an list of inspiration.
Next to selecting the right dividend stocks, important principles for successful long-term investing are Disciple, Diversification, Defensive & indeed Dividend. Read more about this in our free e-book.
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